
Launch Week


OS Xอาทิตย์นี้เป็นสัปดาห์ที่ผลิตภัณฑ์สองอย่างเริ่มให้บริการ  อย่างแรกคือ Airbus A380  เริ่มให้บริการระหว่าง  Singapore – Sydney  เริ่มวันที่ 25 ตุลาคม   ส่วนอีกผลิตภัณฑ์ก็คือ Apple OS X: Leopard  จะขายเป็นครั้งแรกวันที่ 26 ตุลาคม  หลังจากที่เป็น beta version มาพักใหญ่

A380ทั้งสองผลิตภัณฑ์นี้มีความเหมือนกันหลายๆ อย่าง  แต่ที่แน่ๆ คือทั้งสองเจอปัญหาเลื่อนกำหนดการวางตลาดมาเป็นปี

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อีกไม่นานคงได้เห็นเจ้า A380 ลายไทยบ้าง

"I Still Call Australia Home"

These Qantas advertise series spans several years. I watch the first one when I study over there. After the big success, couple follows. All of them still capture my heart.

Got the story from The full history of this advertise can be read from here. The song itself was written by Peter Allen which more can find in Wikipedia.

The Qantas campaign, I Still Call Australia Home, is one of the frontrunners for the top Australian television campaigns of all time. Running from 1997 through to 2004, the campaign has linked together Australians living at home with those traveling or living overseas. Beginning with a range of Australian musicians, the campaign has come to be associated with the Australian Girls Choir and National Boys Choir.

James Blundell in Qantas commercialThe campaign began in 1997 with a three-minute commercial featuring trumpeter James Morrison, Kate Ceberano, James Blundell and other popular singers singing Peter Allens song, I still call Australia home. In the background are scenes from around the world and Australia. The shot finishes with a Boeing 747 and the words, QANTAS The Australian Airline.

Lyrics for I Still Call Australia Home

Note that the original lyric has Rio rather than Rome. However Qantas doesnt fly to Rio.

Ive been to cities that never close down
from New York to Rome and old London town,
but no matter how far or how wide I roam
I still call Australia home.

Im always traveling, I love being free,
and so I keep leaving the sun and the sea,
but my heart lies waiting over the foam.
I still call Australia home.

All the sons and daughters spinning round the world,
away from their family and friends,
but as the world gets older and colder,
its good to know where your journey ends.

But someday well all be together once more
when all of the ships come back to the shore.
Then I realise something Ive always known.
I still call Australia home.


And here are the advertises video

1997 version


1998 version with National Boys Choir and Australian Girls Choir


2000 version also with National Boys Choir and Australian Girls Choir but new destinations


2004 version


2004 directors cut


Updated: Jul 30, 2011

Note the original 1997 was missing.  Anyone knows where to get it?


And with 2009 version with new A380